
Volker avatar image
Volker asked

EM24 TCP grid meter => lost connection to ESS system

Hello all,

I'm running an ESS system (Multiplus-II + Pylontech) with an EM24 TCP grid meter.
So far for 1yr+ with no issues at all.

Since last night the Grid meter is gone from the dashboard and the Multiplus in passthrough.
- In the VRM Device list the Grid meter shows "last seen 8 hrs ago"
- In the Remote console device list ist shows as not connected
- when trying to add the device again using settings=>Modbus devices => scan the meter is not found
- the meter itself has a fixed IP address and is pingable and shows up in my network

Now I tried to update the EM24 firmware to from 1.7.3 to 1.8.3 as described in a previous post here, but I could not connect using the Carlo Gavazzi tool: "Status: Connected" but when clicking on the connection I get "unable to resume this conenction" Then Status toggles to "Unconnected". Manual connection via IP address also does not work.



Maybe someone has a suggestion how to proceed from here?

Thanks, kind regards and a nice Easter,


ESSem24TCP IP Networking
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Duivert NL avatar image Duivert NL commented ·

instead of network connection you could connect it to the CG software by RS485 if you have a cable for it

and have you tried powered it off for a while before connecting to CG software?

tried a different network cable?

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Volker avatar image Volker Duivert NL commented ·

Hello duivert,

I tried a different network cable as well as a different port on the switch => no change.

In addition, also tried to connect using EasyModbusClient: connection reported OK, but when reading a holding register, I get an error saying that the connection was cloosed by the remote host.

Regarding your comment "have you tried powered it off for a while": how do I do this (without shutting down the house completely) and/or is there a way to reset the EM24?

Thanks a lot + kind regards - tullsta

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Duivert NL avatar image Duivert NL Volker commented ·

i cant find anything in the manual to reset/reboot the device

but you should be able to power it down by just removing the Neutral connection from the meter

then you dont have to power down the house

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Volker avatar image Volker Duivert NL commented ·

Hello duivert,

nice - thanks! Hoped that I could have got away w/o working on the installation. Likely something for later today...

bedankt en vrolijk Pasen

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Duivert NL avatar image Duivert NL Volker commented ·
hope it works!

fijne laatste paasdag :)
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3 Answers
Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

maybe the EM24 needs a newer firmware version to solve the problem?


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Volker avatar image Volker commented ·
Hello Duivert,

thanks for your effort! I tried that already but unfortunately without success: cannot get the EM24 in an updateable connection using the CG Universal configuration Software.

=> updated teh description above.

Thanks + kind regards - tullsta

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Volker avatar image
Volker answered ·

Hello - a short status update:

after resetting the EM24 I could connect again to the EM24 and update FW to 1.8.3 without issues.
It was a actually matter of minutes

The only thing I would have hoped is that a FW-driven device like the EM24 has different means to reset rather than disconnecting mains. At least I know now that also here an externally accessibel fuse holder would have had its purpose...

Thanks again @duivert for your immediate weekend-help!

veel dank en vriendelijke groet

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Duivert NL avatar image Duivert NL commented ·
Bit late, but glad to hear its working again!
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ted avatar image
ted answered ·

No need to reset or turn off the em24. Your can simply switch the em24 port from 501 to 502 and rescan, this will work too if this problem should happen again (but since 1.8.3 it seems stable)


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Related Resources

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