
dac07800 avatar image
dac07800 asked

Low Battery and Overload Alarms

My 3 phase off-grid system consists of the following:

Solaredge SE17k inverter

Longi PV panels

3 Quattro 48/10000

BYD batteries and battery monitor

30kw Generator

Whenever the generator is signaled to start at 30% I get a LOW BATTERY alarm that clears in 20s. When the gen charges the batteries up to 70% it shuts off but triggers a L1, L2, or L3 OVERLOAD Alarm which also clears in around 20s.

Any idea why I always get these alarms and how to stop them?

VRMlow battery warningalarm
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4 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

What is the spec of your BYD batteries?

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dac07800 avatar image
dac07800 answered ·

I have 6 BYD B-Box LVL Premium 15.4kWh batteries:

Technical Parameters
Model: Battery-Box Premium LVL (2021) 15.4
Number of Modules: 2
Usable Energy [1]: 15.36 kWh
Max Output Current [2]: 250 A
Peak Output Current [2]: 375 A, 5 s
Nominal Voltage: 51.2 V
Operating Voltage: 40-57.6 V
Dimensions (H/W/D): 660 x 650 x 575 mm
Weight: 168 kg
Operating Temperature: -10 °C bis +50°C
Battery Cell Technology: Lithium Iron Phosphate (cobalt-free)
Communication: CAN/RS485
Enclosure Protection Rating: IP20
Round-trip Efficiency: ≥95%
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dac07800 avatar image
dac07800 answered ·

Today I started getting LOW BATTERY alarms every few seconds while the battery is 50%. Nobody can figure this out. Anyone have any suggestions on where to look?


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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ commented ·


These alarms are reporting as VE.Bus sourced, so coming from the Quattro(s). Might be that the alarm points set there are a little too high. From memory, Notifications in Remote Console will show the V registered, although mightn't be absolutely accurate if the breach is fleeting.

Don't read anything into the ~20s duration, this is just how long it takes to clear, even if caused by a mS spike.

If your system has load spikes from (say) an electric motor, then this could be the underlying cause. Normally nothing to worry over. Such are rarely registered by VRM or even VConnect, although Quattro can see them.

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goodscout avatar image
goodscout answered ·

I'm having the same problem. Despite having 51% battery, the low voltage shuts down my entire system and then reboots repeatedly when our AC compressor fires. We have a soft start and up until now, it's had no trouble handling the load of our unit. For some reason, my low voltage alarms were preceded by four Overload alarms earlier in the evening.


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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·

Overloads were logged 8 days prior, unlikely to be related.

If its being logged as a vebus alarm then it would appear the measured voltage is beneath limits set on the inverters.

You would need to post your configuration and supporting voltage and load charts. Best open your own topic as I doubt it is related to this one.

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