
play3000 avatar image
play3000 asked

Tension between neutral and ground


After some research as I found tension (240V) between neural and ground in my installation with a Multiplus (24V / 5000) in my camper.

When only on batteries: no tension between neural and ground, everything is correct and working fine.

When I plug to the grid the multiplus where it is parked, the tension appears. I checked everything, and it is clearly linked to this connection (I have no connection between neutral and ground somewhere before I connect to the network). Point to be noticed : the connection to network has no ground, just neutral and phase (210V only). The ground of the camper is the body and it is not linked to earth.
Is this normal (I guess not, as it can be dangerous)?
How can I solve the issue in such case?
Any additional test to be done?

Thanks for support


MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

When there's no external power to the Multiplus, it automatically connects neutral and ground. Otherwise it expects neutral and ground from the external input to be at the same level of 0V.

For safety you need a 3 wire input of neutral, ground and line. Ground must be connected to the vehicle, as must the multiplus ground.2 wire isn't safe.

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play3000 avatar image play3000 commented ·
Thanks a lot for feedback.

Ok, but issue is that no ground is available from the place where the camper is parked. So it can't have earth connection from there. Multiplus is properly connected to the ground.
From what you are saying, I understand that we should, in all case, avoid to connect a quattro and/or a multiplus to the grid without an earth connection (so avoid all electrical installation or else). Correct?
I will check if I can make an earth connection that can be moved (can also be interestin to use it when installed somewhere, even without connection to grid).
Best regards

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ play3000 commented ·
Yes, no grid without ground.
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