Hi Community :)
I have a medium sized power consumer that is trying to isolate which of their appliances is consuming the most energy, their power bill has gone up 50% in the last quarter and they think something is wrong with their loads.
The large loads are mostly refrigerators that plug in to standard 10A 230V wall sockets. There is one large cool room that would need a CT clamp, but I would prefer the rest are 'wall wart' style.
I'd say 10 different readings will be enough to isolate majority of the largest consumers.
Does anyone have a suggestion for which energy monitoring products work in that situation and play nicely with the rest of the Victron ecosystem (GX device, VRM, and potentially NodeRED?)
Individual 'smart switching' is not necessary, but I expect a lot of products would have this feature.
There is wifi, and I presume that is how these things would communicate.
Also ideally a product that is available in Australian market, but for the sake of general interest, I'm also interested in any products in different markets that you've had success with.