Hi All, I need some assistance in building a design for my Victron setup. We're going to perform some renovations on the roof of our home this year and will make a significant increase in size for new solar power. Existing we have 8x 290wp solar panels on South side connected to A Solis 2k single phase inverter. Now our goal is to re-use these panels on the east side of the roof due to them being 7 years of age already, taking the early morning sun and install 19 new panels on the South side. We live in Belgium and have 3 phase 400V-40A installation at home and thus would like to have a 3 phase system as well.
We are planning to go for a home battery in the near future but realistically looking at the budget we are spending on the roof (despite we're going to do all the work ourselves) there won't be one soon.
Now my question is how I could go for a Victron setup with just solar panels and no battery (for now). My idea was to go for 3x Quattro II 48/5000/70-50 model to have the option to link a generator in the future and expand to 3 additional Quattro's if we would need more power capacity. Currently we don't have that much high loads so 3 times 4000W would do just fine. The Solis inverter will not be re-used ideally since it's too small to handle the old and new panels together.
We don't want to buy wrong or bad components that we can't re-use later once the battery is in the picture.
All topics so far start with having a battery already on-board in the project so help is advised here and really appreciated.