
gocfella avatar image
gocfella asked

Can AC IN leak power back out?

I have an Easysolar 2 gx 48/5000 with Seplos mason 280L battery and 2.7kw PV. All of the AC OUT loads are on separate circuits to the house (grid) . The AC IN will be connected to house circuit (grid) to charge battery if SOC gets low in low yield solar conditions.

Can I be sure that the AC IN will never send power out if the grid is down? If the grid is up it is no problem but if grid is down it would be a major safety issue.


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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

The architecture is documented in the manual.

The inverters carry many global certifications that require this.

So yes, you can be sure.

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gocfella avatar image gocfella commented ·
Ok so you are saying there are no possible conditions where the AC IN can leak power in the opposite direction? Just to be sure. It is strictly a unidirectional draw only connection without any additional sensing required to ensure this? Cheers for assistance.
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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ gocfella commented ·

It has loss of mains detection, and each feed has dual relays, so even a relay failure can't allow power to backfeed.

If any of these mechanisms fail, the unit shuts down.

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