I think it's a VenusOS bug that shuts down the Quattro when a BMS is removed or the communication is lost, or is this expected behaviour?
I get all the alarms in the title and a Quattro shutdown if I remove a BMS or if the communication is lost, it is exceptionally frustrating for off-grid systems.
It seems the Quattro's logic is to alarm a low battery and shutdown when a BMS stops communicating, but it's falsely reporting a low battery which is wrong. I'm not sure which of the three alarms actually causes the shutdown, but this is very unhelpful logic when off-grid, for ESS systems they can go into Passthrough but we cannot easily.
This is from at least VenusOS v2.80 to v3.30
I use the Dbus-SerialBattery driver, and if a driver update doesn't work with Venus, or the communication stops for whatever reason, unplugged cable, driver crash etc, then the Quattro turns off AC out.
Generally everything is fine and stable, but I've now had this multiple times, where it goes into a loop with me trying to update/ roll back the dbus-serialbattey driver before the system shuts down again, power off, lights off, I lose wifi, can't SSH in, until I can either fix it or re-detect VE.BUS System.
If it's deliberate logic to protect the batteries, I would suggest just stopping charging or some kind of 'limp mode', but certainly allow discharge / inverting to power AC loads, the BMS can still protect the batteries even if VenusOS isn't communicating with it anymore. In a critical system having AC out is more important than trying to protect the batteries with VenusOS when they have their own BMS anyway.
I would love this logic to be changed.
P.S. I use CerboGX, GuiMods, Dbus-SerialBattery, BatteryAggregator, 3 x Batteries with JK BMS's