
colin-davila avatar image
colin-davila asked

Help. Can I Do This

Hi. I have caravan that is astound at home. I am about to fit a 6 stage charger/power supply from Aplujack Electronics to enable to to not keep having to change over the battery (100A EFB battery).

I mostly use hook up when i'm away. However, I go to a couple of rock festivals during the year that I'm off grid for, about 6 days each time.

I usually take a second 100A EFB battery and change over during th week. However come the end of the time the battery are probably nearing the 50% discharge level. I do not use 240V off grid but lights and electronics charging, fridge and radio do use the battery.

I also use a motor mover.

I intend to fit a couple of 115w Mono Victron Panels wired in series to give good voltage during dull and rainy periods (it always rains during these festivals, last year I had to use the motor mover to get the van out of the mud).

I know this is probably extravagant to just charge the battery a couple of times a year but i value the peace of mind that it will give whilst i am away. It also my also give me confidence to they more off grid trips.

I shall be covering the van when it's not being used in winter, so i'm not worried that the solar panels will not charge the battery as I can sue the smart power supply/charger fitted to the van.

What MPPT controller do I need, I already have a BMV 712 monitoring the battery voltage.

solar sizing
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2 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Best bet is to use the Victron solar calculator

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max-payne avatar image
max-payne answered ·

<moderated: do not use AI content in posts, this is against our guidelines and may result in account suspension >

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
@Max Payne Kindly stick to Human generated content.
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colin-davila avatar image colin-davila nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
Sorry, I don't understand where I've gone wrong. This was a genuine question typed by hand by myself? Please help me to understand where in my question you think this was not hand generated by myself as I am genuinely confused/
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