
karavanlife avatar image
karavanlife asked

Where is the mistake ?

Selam. Lynx Distributor kullandığım sistemde tüm cihazlar victron. Solar Şarj cihazım ile lifepo4 akümü sorunsuz şark etmekteyim fakat 12-12-30 Orion-Tr Smart DC-DC İzolasyonsuz Şarj Cihazım ile ciddi sıkıntı yaşamaktayım. Yaşam aküsünün voltajı kaç olursa olsun şarj cihazında absorption voltajını kaç volt ayarlarsam shunt ve diğer tüm cihazlar akü voltajını o voltajda gösteriyor, dolayısıyla şarj etmiyor. Araç moturunu kapattıktan çok kısa bir süre sonra tüm cihazlar gerçek voltajı görmeye başlıyor. Sizce problem nerede ? Eklediğim video'yu seyrederseniz çok sevinirim.


Hi. In the system where I use Lynx Distributor, all devices are Victron. I can charge my lifepo4 battery without any problems with my Solar Charger, but I am having serious problems with my 12-12-30 Orion-Tr Smart DC-DC Non-Isolated Charger. No matter what the voltage of the life battery is, no matter how many volts I set the absorption voltage on the charger, the shunt and all other devices show the battery voltage at that voltage, so it does not charge. Shortly after turning off the vehicle engine, all devices begin to see real voltage. Where do you think the problem is? I would be very happy if you watch the video I added.

orion-tr smart
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3 Answers
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·


I would first suspect a poor connection, possibly a faulty fuse or something.

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karavanlife avatar image karavanlife commented ·

Ancor Marin cable of appropriate thickness and Victron 60A fuse are used. Also, I couldn't understand the connection between the problem I mentioned and the weak fuse. Can you explain?

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karavanlife avatar image
karavanlife answered ·

Is there no voltage drop? The shunt and other devices see the voltage I set in the battery settings in Orion as if it were the voltage of the life battery.

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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ commented ·

So maybe the battery bms has disconnected?

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karavanlife avatar image
karavanlife answered ·

Why don't I have the same problem with Smart solar 100/30 mppt?

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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ commented ·
I'd only be guessing. We can't see your system, nor know whether you have a GX with DVCC enabled, etc. A system showing different V's in different places has some sort of problem. Try the multimeter.
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