
yotamota avatar image
yotamota asked

150/85 Virtual load output wont shut off

So title says it all.

24v system

using user defined algorithm 1

30.50v > turns on

26.50v < turns off

programmable relay is set to load output

I have a 12v 200mah power supply powering the coil on a Solid state relay(water heater)

+ wire is in the (C) common port

other end is in the (NO) Normally open port.

I can turn the relay on and off with the "always on"/ "always off" setting. The water heater comes on.

Will stay on the whole time. doesn't appear to shut off. it can be 8pm and its still on!

Read thru the manual and I believe i have everything set properly.

maybe it doesn't perform as i am expecting it to?

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
How low is the battery voltage getting?
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yotamota avatar image yotamota kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·

inverter shuts off. 24.5vdc 25.3vdc. well below the threshold.

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ yotamota commented ·
Load output on the MPPT is controlled by battery voltage.
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yotamota avatar image yotamota kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
i am not sure i follow? i have the relay set to turn off at 26.5vdc.?
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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
@kevgermany not load output, relay.
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yotamota avatar image yotamota commented ·

so i tried the same setting on my 250/85. Got the same result

Load output tab is set to using user defined algorithm 1(30.50v > turns on, 26.50v < turns off)

Relay tab is set to Load output.

last night while testing this on my 250/85 at 11:30pm. voltage was 24.6vdc. after setting to the above, within 2 minutes the relay/load output came on. Went from off open, to on closed.

I must be doing something wrong.

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yotamota avatar image yotamota yotamota commented ·
maybe i need to use one of the settings in the relay tab, It looks like i can set the high voltage setting to what I want. I can make it come on at 30.5vdc and shut off at 26.5

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1 Answer
yotamota avatar image
yotamota answered ·

so it appears the fix was to use the "battery voltage high" under the relay tab in victron connect. It appears to have worked! The Solid state relay shut off.

I still don't understand why the other way I had it set up didn't work as I expected it to.

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