
frankvw avatar image
frankvw asked

Victron Connect 6.02 AppImage for Linux not starting

I'm running Ubuntu 18.04 (Yes, I know that version is getting a little long in the tooth but it's what I have and I have yet to find anything that doesn't run properly on it.)

I just downloaded the Victron Connect AppImage 6.02 for Linux. When I try to start it I get the following error message:

bash: .: ./VictronConnect-x86_64-v6.02.AppImage: cannot execute binary file

There is no other information as to what the problem is or why the binary won't run. This is reminiscent of earlier issues with the beta (discussed here) which apparently haven't been quite fixed yet.

Any suggestions would be appreciated!

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7 Answers
frankvw avatar image
frankvw answered ·

PS: From what I read this issue started with version 6. Are older versions of Victron Connect still available somewhere?

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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·


Moving this to modifications as it's a Linux question.

But... Have you granted execute permission with chmod?

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frankvw avatar image
frankvw answered ·

Sorry, I wasn't aware that using Linux on my laptop was considered a modification in terms of Victron kit. :-) But yes, 'chmod 755' is the first thing I do with an appImage.

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frankvw avatar image
frankvw answered ·

Update: it has created the desktop file. But that's as far as it gets. No GUI and no messages indicating what the problem is.

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jenus avatar image
jenus answered ·

The application also won't start for me. The log file with the error is attached.
Victron Connect v6.03
Linux Mint 20.3 Cinnamon; kernel 5.15.0-97-generic


victronconnect.log (100.9 KiB)
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Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) avatar image
Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) answered ·


Have you also look at the list of libraries in the forum post that you reference/linked and checked whether they are all installed on your system, especially libxcb-cursor0?

Kind regards,

Thiemo van Engelen

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hotelmode avatar image hotelmode commented ·

Thank you, installing libxcb-cursor0 solved this for me.

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neptuneuk avatar image neptuneuk hotelmode commented ·
Thanks @Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) and @hotelmode ,

I'm on Ubuntu LTS 22.04. Installing libxcb-cursor0 also resolved the AppImage not launching for me also.

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userstall avatar image
userstall answered ·

Yes its okay, newer versions are horrible, but the


here is the download Link:

will function very well

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