
campervantime avatar image
campervantime asked

Monitor two batteries - Cerbo GX and smart shunts

Hi there. I have a campervan (Westfalia Sven Hedin) that has two leisure batteries fitted from the factory. They are unequal in size (1x 92ah AGM and 1x 70ah AGM) and they are not connected in parallel in the van. They only share a common negative connection via the chassis of the van, but the positives are connected directly together.

I am looking to install a Cerbo GX and would like to monitor the battery SOC % and current flow for both batteries.

I assume I am best installing two smart shunts, one per battery as there is no directly wired negative connection between them, but then how would I display the SOC % on the Cerbo, be it individually or collectively ?


cerbo gxSmartShunt
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1 Answer
derrick thomas avatar image
derrick thomas answered ·

If you are not able to re-route the grounds so that both batteries are directly connected to the same shunt, then you will need to use a battery aggregator. Kevin Windrem's setuphelper has a couple battery aggregators on the default package list.

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