
Michael Stirrat avatar image
Michael Stirrat asked

Does Multiplus control AC voltage?

I've noticed an interesting thing with my Multiplus when running the generator, charging the batteries, and running the 1200W AC watermaker on my boat, vs doing the same without running the watermaker. The power coming in from generator and going out to the AC system is 120V with the watermaker running and 130V without the watermaker.

Does the Multiplus control the voltage when there are AC loads?

Multiplus 120v 3000VA 12V

multiplus ve.bus
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1 Answer
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

Not when in passthrough (when AC input is active). When inverting, the MultiPlus can control output AC voltage and frequency, but when passing through AC from the input, it cannot modulate voltage or frequency, it's just passing on whatever is coming in.

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Michael Stirrat avatar image Michael Stirrat commented ·
That's what I understand about the pass through. Any ideas on the change in voltage I'm seeing when the AC load is there?
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