
David Burnett avatar image
David Burnett asked

VM-3P75CT Energy Meter - 3, single phase inputs?

Looking at the VM-3P75CT energy meter, the current transformer sensing is very convenient, but the application is monitoring the power from:

Shore Power


Inverter (non Victron)

All feeds of course share a common neutral, so I am wondering if it will handle three single phase inputs, or is it needing the phase relationship of a 3-P supply?

Dealership considered the question interesting, but could not advise further, and suggested I try here for an answer.



Energy Meter
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4 Answers
ldoes (Victron Energy) avatar image
ldoes (Victron Energy) answered ·

Hi @David Burnett the VM-3P75CT does not support multiple single-phase input configurations.

This is a feature we might develop if there is enough demand for it, but we're focussing on supporting more common configurations such as split-phase first.

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David Burnett avatar image David Burnett commented ·
Thank you Idoes. Hopefully in the future, as a CT driven Energy Meter is the easiest (and safest) way of monitoring, rather than having to cut into the circuit.
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Constantin Zaharia avatar image Constantin Zaharia commented ·
will be great to have 3 distinct sources reported by the meter. The hardware already exist, only the software must be done.
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Gonzalo Cruz avatar image Gonzalo Cruz commented ·

It will be great to have 3 distinct sources reported by the meter. Carlo Gavazzi threephase meters have this functionality already (you can meassure Grid input and PV input for example using L1 and L2).

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peteb avatar image
peteb answered ·

This is something that I would really like to see availble. In the UK virtually all domestic properties are single phase. The ability to use the other CT's to measure solar, generators etc would make this device much more useful.

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kitto avatar image
kitto answered ·

My first post here..

I came across this post as I am investigating whether the VM-3P75CT is capable of measuring three distinct single phase inputs, whether they be in or out of phase of each other.

It is quite common for dwellings in Australia to be single phase only, such as mine. A good example of how I would use this unit in a single phase installation:

L1 - Measure total power usage of the dwelling consumed from the grid.

L2 - Measure Air Conditioner power usage.

L3 - Measure Generic loads power usage.

All three measurements would share the same single phase sinewave in reference to Neutral.

I would like to see this developed, as L2 and L3 are currently wasted with no purpose.


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mattfs avatar image
mattfs answered ·

I'd really appreciate the ability to read multiple inputs on the VM-3P75CT as well. I could really use the ability to monitor Grid, Generator and the output from an array with microinverters to both manage charging/discharging of the batteries but also allow some home automation on the basis of which is running and how much power is being drawn.

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