
anhoume avatar image
anhoume asked

Cerbo GX Tank level inputs - Current?


I am thinking of building my own resistive tank level sensor and connect to a Cerbo GX. I understand that the tank inputs are supplying 5V through the sensor. But what's the current?

cerbo gx
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1 Answer
Trevor Bird avatar image
Trevor Bird answered · the current supplied by the CerboGx will be flea power and is designed for standard resistive tank senders. Two main standards exists for tank sensors, a European standard and a USA standard. They have reverse sense so one is high resistance for full and the other is high resistance for empty.

The CerboGX can cope with either standard and also can cope with a custom standard so within reason, you could make your sensor what you like and it will work. To work out the equivalent series resistance if you really want to know the peak current simply put a milliampmeter across the tank input terminals and read the current. Then check the open circuit voltage. The equivalent resistance is that voltage divided by the current measured.

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anhoume avatar image anhoume commented ·

Thanks! I am trying to find out how powerful the resistors have to be. I guess I will have to do a current measurement as soon as the road to the boat winter storage are plowed.

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