
lukealm avatar image
lukealm asked

AC Current Limit, stuck - MultiPlus-II 2x 120V

AC current input limit does not allow me to go below 9.4A with a MultiPlus-II 2x 120V (3000) and cerbo GX. I used to be able adjust it all the way down to zero but I'm not sure what happened. ESS and powerassist is enabled. Thank you!

Multiplus-IIinverter current drawcharge current limitcurrent limitinput current
2 |3000

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2 Answers
derrick thomas avatar image
derrick thomas answered ·

With ESS assistant installed you should not have power assist enabled, as ESS handles this automatically. Disable power assist and you should be able to lower the ac input limit.

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lukealm avatar image lukealm commented ·
This worked! For whatever reason; I had power assist and ESS on at the same time before and I was able to limit the AC down to zero until now. I turned off power assist and all is good to go again. Thanks!
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lukealm avatar image lukealm commented ·

I just noticed you're in AZ as well. Thanks for helping out in the sunshine state!

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JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @lukealm

There's a minimum you can set with Power Assist enabled, so I looked it up..

1710125306320.pngIf your model is 2780, then it's 9.5A. Not 9.4A but close. The only way to get down to zero is to delete Power Assist, but I doubt you'd want to do that. This isn't new, but there's several places you can set this, and might actually show zero when you type it, but it won't stick.

1710125306320.png (13.2 KiB)
2 |3000

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