
michel-bedard avatar image
michel-bedard asked


I have an MPPT 75/15 solar panel controller attached to a 100W (12 volt) panel for recharging a 100 Ahr AGM battery.

Can I “substitute” this solar panel with a 24 volt 6.5 Amp DC power supply. (AIMTEC #AMESP150-24S277NZ)?

The objective is to take advantage of the performance of the controller to recharge the battery when I am not using the solar panel.

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
uguraladag avatar image
uguraladag answered ·

Yes, you can feed the solar panel input of your 75/15 mppt solar charger with a DC power supply up to Max 15 Amp X 12V = 180 Wh and charge your battery.

24 V X 6.5 Amp = 156 Wh power, as long as this power is 156<180, you will not have any problems, but this power supply must be a fully rectified DC power supply.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·
And short circuit proof.
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michel-bedard avatar image michel-bedard Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Many thanks for your answer!

The ripple & noise figure for the power supply is 150 mV p-p; from then I will be OK for this application.

Regards Michel

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