
jimgcampbell avatar image
jimgcampbell asked

Orion 12-12 30 having problems with smart alternator

I have installed an Orion 12/12-30 Isolated in my trailer connected to my Toyota Highlander with the tow package and 150a smart alternator. I'll be having upgraded 6 AWG run next week from the alternator to the trailer, but to start with I've just hooked it up to the 10AWG power wire in the 7 pin connector. It comes up fine, shows 12.8 volts with the car off. I turn the car on, I get 14 volts, the Orion detects it and starts charging. But then the input voltage starts dropping steadily and then drops enough for the orion to turn off. It stays at zero whether or not the car is running until I unplug the 7 pin. If I disconnect the power wire from the Orion it stays at 14v with the car on. Anyone have any idea what the interaction between the Orion and the car power system is that is causing this?

orion dc-dc
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1 Answer
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

Trying to pull ~38-45A through a 10AWG 7-pin is likely the issue. Once you have a proper 6AWG run from the start battery to the unit and from the unit to the target battery, properly fused at both ends, your issues will likely disappear.

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jimgcampbell avatar image jimgcampbell commented ·
I thought about that. I'm going to put an ammeter on there to see what it looks like. But if voltage drop over 25 feet of 10 AWG is the issue, input voltage dropping as the current builds up and creates voltage drop, then why does it go all the way to zero? And stay there until I unplug the 7 pin?
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