
gainestr avatar image
gainestr asked

Status nodes no longer work in Node-Red

I have not been able to use the status nodes to send feedback to my dashboard since upgrading from v3.13 to v3.22 and beyond. Did something fundamentally change in Node-Red that prevents the Status nodes from even recognizing any of the victron-input nodes?

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3 Answers
Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) avatar image
Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) answered ·

I can't recall having changed anything that would cause this. Do you have an example flow to test this with?

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gainestr avatar image
gainestr answered ·

I may have more info for you. Under v3.13 the status node would show if the victron-input device was connected or disconnected. Under v3.22 > the status node shows the output of the viltron-input node and not if it is connected even though I'm looking at the status.text output of the node. The first two images show the behavior of the status node under v3.13 and the last image shows the status under v3.22. NOTE: You can clearly see that the previous behavior shows the Propane tank as being connected or disconnected and the status under v3.22 no shows the output value. This is where I believe the issue residesscreen-shot-2024-03-04-at-20214-pm.pngscreen-shot-2024-03-04-at-20244-pm.pngImage Captionscreen-shot-2024-03-04-at-20651-pm.png.

Knowing this change. I actually prefer the new way and that the node show the actual output value and not simply "connected". I have re-written my code to adjust for the new change.

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gainestr avatar image
gainestr answered ·


I use the use the status nodes to help me keep track of a couple of the devices to ensure they are connected and transmitting data properly.


I have it working correctly now with the added functionality that was incorporated into the latest updates. Thank You! Sorry to have raised a false flag.

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Nice that you have it working and glad you like the new way with the info in the status text.

If you wouldn't have liked that, you could have also disabled that functionality in the configuration node. It has checkbox to revert to the "(dis)connected" status text.

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gainestr avatar image gainestr Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
Now you lost me. I do not see any checkbox for that option other than enabling or disabling the nodes label and icon. Please explain to me where I can find that option.
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Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) avatar image Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) ♦♦ gainestr commented ·

It is a bit hidden, but in the upper right, you can find the configuration nodes. Click that and then double click on the Victron Energy Client and you should see it.


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gainestr avatar image gainestr Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Thank you so much! Yes, It is a bit hidden. I was thinking it was selectable on a per node basis and not system wide. I am so glad you helped me! I was searching everywhere but the obvious. ;-) I appreciate you!

PS. Seems to me that the status.text should still be used in it's normal way ((dis)connected) regardless of having the show values option selected. The purpose of the status node is to do just exactly that and by changing what is shown on the editor screen should not change what the status of the node is. This is my opinion obviously but I'd appreciate your input on this.

It does change the value of the status.text to whatever is selected in the checkbox (either the value or (dis)connected). I just feel that there should be a status.msg value along with a status.text value to keep the original functionality regardless of what is displayed on the editor screen. Again, thank you for helping me with this and at the very least, I do have a way to revert back to the default setting.

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gainestr avatar image gainestr gainestr commented ·

I still think there is something still wrong with the output and I'm not sure what. As you can see in this photo. The output of the node gets displayed properly if it is output to the debut node status but it does not get sent to the debug window like it used to. I believe that is why I was having issue with this. Under v3.13, the node status would get sent to the msg.payload of the debug but under newer versions, it simply says msg.payload:undefined. However, it shows up properly if I enable the node status of the debug node.screen-shot-2024-03-05-at-104405-am.pngscreen-shot-2024-03-05-at-104811-am.pngEDIT: Nevermind. It was my error. I was telling the output to show the msg.payload in the above photo instead of msg.status.text. It works as you have told me it does. Again, sorry to have been a bother on this topic. I just needed to wrap my head around it a little clearer.

Thank you!

I can tell you this though, when the node configuration is changed back to displaying (dis)connected instead of the value, the data only gets updated if it sees a change in the connected/disconnected status and not once every 5 seconds even though the node is configured to send the data every 5 seconds. I believe this is different from the previous way it worked under v3.13 where it sent the message every 5 seconds. It will display the value every 5 seconds if that option is selected but it does not display the (dis)connection status every 5 seconds.

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