
smclover avatar image
smclover asked

UK Grid Code

Apologies up front first post...

My Multiplus 2 firmware update to 510. Has locked me out of the ESS settings.

VEconfig It wants my grid code to reset.

What is the easiest way to reset?

Thank You.

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6 Answers
daza avatar image
daza answered ·

Not sure if you try to update it again it should wipe everything and start as scratch

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smclover avatar image
smclover answered ·

No, sorry that's not my answer.

the firmware update has changed the config file. Uploading the old file has no effect.


so "what is this code and who has it"?

Thanks for your response.

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daza avatar image
daza answered · im not going to post it bud but quick google victron grid code password I would also say do there online courses gives you a good base and the forum scan chime in with the rest , all the best let us know how you get on after the code stage

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ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered · The latest firmware split the UK G98 / G99 gridcodes into two separate entries, which I suspect have triggered this given changing a code once set, will always require the code for ANY subsequent changes. Officially the code can be obtained from your point of purchase (reseller / distributor) or possibly from Victron support.

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smclover avatar image
smclover answered ·

Thanks all,

My supplier didn't know what I was talking about and tried to sell me a USB interface.

But another "Lovely" supplier (who I will not mention) listened to what I said, and emailed it.

The now broken config file is downloaded.

Enter the Grid Code, (it had changed G98 into two)

Upload and download it again.

Now the "repaired" file is useable.

Set ESS.

All working, Hooray


All the best.

BTW I've changed my supplier.

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Richard Weir avatar image Richard Weir commented ·
Hi SMCLOVER, I’ve got the same problem but can’t find the code from Google, it just comes up with Victron community pages, any help would be good, thanks.
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bruggie avatar image bruggie Richard Weir commented ·

Search for "If needed, the grid password is", first link for me points to a Victron training where it is mentioned.

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Richard Weir avatar image Richard Weir bruggie commented ·
Sorry I’m being a bit thick. I couldn’t find it with the search if needed…”. Could you email it to me at
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smclover avatar image
smclover answered ·

Sorry for my tardiness, but I thought this item was dead.

We're all adults and interested in the subject so I fail to see why the Grid code is an "Open Secret",

"whom is being protected by whom?"

The answer is yes I do have it. I may break the forums rules by posting it.

So if you contact me I will gladly tell you the code I have Dyna taped to the front of my Victron inverter.

Best Wishes.

(Always Trying to do the right thing)

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ejrossouw avatar image ejrossouw commented ·

I stand to be corrected, but typically certified power generating devices for use on a public grid supply are required to have a protection mechanism for vital settings. This can protect installers who 'certified' an installation to be compliant with local regs etc. from careless changes by end users. Also, it potentially safeguards the grid operators from inappropriate changes to certified systems that could impact the overall stabilty of the infrastructure they have a strict LTO for.

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Craig Chamberlain avatar image Craig Chamberlain commented ·

As @ejrossouw says, the grid code password protects essential settings, and if these settings cannot be effectively protected then it could impact the ability to have the equipment certified for use on the network. So if this "open secret" becomes too open then it could tip the balance to the extent that Victron have to take steps to protect device certification.

So, speaking purely as a Victron customer, I would ask you to act responsibly and ensure that anyone requesting that password has gone through the appropriate steps and is fully aware of the potential consequences of using it. The first step should always be for them to talk to their distributor who may well prefer to give 10 mins of their time to help directly and avoid the need to provide the password entirely.

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