
hashem-almahameed avatar image
hashem-almahameed asked

battery bubbling while charging

Hello every one

I bought a new victron batter with a charger

when i first blugged it to be charged it began to make bubbling noises

the battery is victron energy blue energy GEL 12v \ 90A

and the charger is blue smart charger IP67 charger 10A

the noise is higher on the absorption stage and continues in float stage but becomes quiter

does that mean the battery is corrupted or damaged?

please help me

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2 Answers
christern avatar image
christern answered ·

If you hear bubbles from the battery it generally means that the fluid in the battery is boiling. This should not happen with GEL-batteries since there is now fluid in them and the charging voltage in your case seems too high. What are your settings on the charger? If it is a Smart charger then please provide screenshots from the app of your settings.

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hashem-almahameed avatar image hashem-almahameed commented ·

actually its more like a buzzing sound

like zzttzzz khkhkhkh

something like that

the voltage during absorption was 14.4 volt

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hashem-almahameed avatar image
hashem-almahameed answered ·


actually its more like a buzzing sound

like zzttzzz khkhkhkh

something like that

the voltage during absorption was 14.4 volt


something like that

the voltage during absorption was 14.3 volt


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