
alda avatar image
alda asked

Strange behaviour of ET340

I have a strange behaviour of phase2 measurement with ET340

I'm reading a data on the modbus adress 2624 and I can see, that value is always returning back to the value 20:


Really don't know why. Other two phases are working correctly (2622 and 2628) and values are still increasing :


Do you have any idea what can be a problem ?

Thank you

Energy Meter
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5 Answers
matt1309 avatar image
matt1309 answered ·

Hi @Alda

It's not something daft like you have 20w of load on when you have "nothing" on?

Maybe worth throwing another meter or clamp on it. Try confirm if it is actually 20w or a fault somewhere.

If it's a fault i'd maybe try narrow down which part of the system could be the cause. ie check the meter data in another piece of software to confirm it's actually 20w from the meter and not some other element of the system causing it (sounds unlikely to be something other than the meter though)

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alda avatar image
alda answered ·

Register 2624 isn't actual consumption, but cumulated. :

1708976210788.png So I can see, that there was increase from 20kWh to 21.7,kWh, but after few hours value returned to 20kWh again.

1708976210788.png (4.8 KiB)
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matt1309 avatar image
matt1309 answered ·

That is odd. You've not got any autiomations/customisations writing to that register by mistake?

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alda avatar image
alda answered ·

No, I checked twice and there is only read-only for register 2624

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matt1309 avatar image
matt1309 answered ·

Hi @Alda

Are you able to monitor the data coming from the energy meter directly using another piece of software like the carlo galvazzi Universal Configuration Software. At least then you'll be able to prove if it's coming from the meter that way (either a fault meter/rogue connection). Or if data from meter is fine then it must be something on cerbo side.

It sounds like something is periodically writing to that address really. Is the data correct in dbus or does it match the incorrect data in modbus? Do you have any scripts that edit dbus directly that could be the cause?

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