
Troy avatar image
Troy asked


Hi everyone

I am New here

I would like to ask

Using a Victron RS450/100

2 Strings / Can you use 2 Different brands of types of solar panels on each string will not be a problem as they work independently

Thanks Troy

Plus advice how to wire in a 400 w

Wind turbine into my 100/45 Victron controller into the Lynx Distributor to my Pylontech US 5000 battery

MPPT Controllers
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matt1309 avatar image matt1309 commented ·

Hi @Troy i didnt think wind was supported on victron mppts?

My understanding was for mppt to support wind it had to factor in a delay in the maximu power point calculation to allow time for turbine speed to change as load if varied. I didnt think this was built into victron mppt's. Might be worth a double check.

If i'm right (and wind support hasnt been added). I'd suggest a wind supported mppt and if there's community made drivers use those to integrate into the victron system (i think midnite api support has been written by community). Or use a smart shunt to integrate the third party wind charge controller into the gx system.

I believe you're correct on the different strings. Just taking a look at the manual:

Datasheet-SmartSolar-MPPT-RS-EN.pdf (

You can see even just from the picture there are two strings of different length. And depending on model you'll have a different number of trackers.

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3 Answers
Troy avatar image
Troy answered ·

Good afternoon

Thanks so much for the decent message

I have been testing it on this

75/15 MPPT

The voltage seems to be steady DC 5 Plus Volts

I did not put it on the Lynx Distributor yet lol

Yeah Also about the 2 strings

That Manual is useless

As much as Victron are trust me

I dealt with them recently anything to turn the table on you if you know what I mean as I have raised questions about this and other there tech or customer services cannot even answer it they just tell you go to the person you bought it from

Useless mate

But thanks Troy


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bartrs avatar image bartrs commented ·
The manual says the trackers are independent trackers, meaning you don't need 2 exact the same strings in either number of panels or manufacturer.

Strongs words regarding Victron, but it's very simple: they only sell to either professional installers or dealerships and they don't have a customer service for people like you and me. Nothing wrong with that, pretty normal for a company that doesn't sell to end users tbh.

The manual is for trained installers is how I see it. Again, nothing wrong with that.

My Victron dealership that sold me the parts helped me with everything I needed to know, and beyond.

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Alex Pescaru avatar image
Alex Pescaru answered ·

Hi @Troy

I've seen some wind turbines connected to MPPTs and many users have used, after the rectifiers at the MPPT's PV input, some capacitor banks.

The more capacitance, the better, (thousands of uF) in order to smooth out the pulsations from the wind generator output voltage.

Have fun!


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Troy avatar image Troy commented ·
Sorry late reply

but some people are so rude

Yeah I understand

I am not perfect but

I have followed a Video on Youtube

I put in a rectifier and the Voltage is DC only about 16 v but thats okay

I am awating also from China a NEW Type of Wind Controller

at the moment It is actuallt going through the recifier through the Lynx Distributor

I can see no problems

Cheers Troy

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Troy avatar image
Troy answered ·

Good morning Alex

Yeah I heard that also I think these used online work

I have not tried yet

But it would be very helpful if someone has had success using an MPPT RS 450 / 100 With a Windturbine to get InTouch with a simple wiring diagram for me

I would love to be able to get it working on the system

I am also looking for someone or even a tech at Victoron

To answer my questions over this MPPT RS450

There is NOTHING in the manual how the 2 strings work or if one has over 120 v and the other has 80 then over 120 how they kicking with each other producing the 405 v

I do not know why I am having so much trouble getting Victron to answer this question when they supply this item

Thanks Troy

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·

Kindly read our guidelines. If you need support, then you need to follow the official process.

The community is not for support requests, nor for demanding the attention of staff, that is not the purpose of the forum.

These are questions your supplier should be answering for you, they are responsible for support and guidance.

All of these questions are already answered in many other posts available by searching.

The guidance for panel layout is to engage with an experienced designer to produce the optimum layout. The manual will not spell out every combination you should not be doing.

It presumes you are already skilled in this field.

RS trackers are independent of each other.

Each needs 120V to start, but since panel voltage drops under load and varying conditions, it will continue to operate down to 80V per tracker.

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Alex Pescaru avatar image Alex Pescaru nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
Latest versions even down to 65V...
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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ Alex Pescaru commented ·

That is still outside of the specification sheet, until that is revised I would not rely on that, I certainly wouldn't use it as a design criteria for normal operation.

Pricey, high voltage chargers are a waste with low voltage strings.

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Alex Pescaru avatar image Alex Pescaru nickdb ♦♦ commented ·

Agreed with the HV chargers used in LV applications/strings.

As per those 65V, the info is in the official RS models' change log, at 1.16 stable version.

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