
goon326 avatar image
goon326 asked

Cerbo GX access without touch screen

Hello! Is there an easier way to access the Cerbo GX than connecting to it via wifi opening the app and then selecting the product and ending up in the Cerbo overview screen? Is it easier to access if I make a VRM? I am using it without the touch screen but find it hard to first manual connect to the wifi and then go through the app to the webpage. Must be an easier way hopefully? Why didn't they make this Cerbo environment in a different app than can be connected via bluetooth?

cerbo gx
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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Yes you can connect it to your local router and use the IP address in a browser over the LAN. You can use an old tablet this way.

I have mine set with a static IP.

VRM will work as well.

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kocki avatar image
kocki answered ·

I'm usimg a TV (Monitor) with HDMI Input and a USB Keyboard, works fine.

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