
mhm avatar image
mhm asked

Not receiving VRM verification email

I have added my office email as an additional user to my VRM portal, but am not receiving the verification email.

Even tried <another> after adding * to the email white list on the server.

Nothing in the spam folder either.

Can anyone assist?


<moderated to remove personal info that would be a spam magnet>

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4 Answers
iand avatar image
iand answered ·

I assume you've enabled alarms for that user under the Settings==>Alarm Rules tab?

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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

You don't actually need the verification. If you are an admin, and those users already exist on VRM, they will have access when they log in.

To receive alerts, you need to check their site notification settings but they should have received a mail saying they have been added.

Or do you mean the original verification email when you sign those new accounts up to VRM?

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mhm avatar image mhm commented ·

I'm not getting the original verification email for the new accounts in VRM

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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

We have checked the backend, for the new addresses, emails were generated and marked by the SMTP servers as delivered. So it is unfortunately something on your/ISP/filtering provider's end.

No other reports either of issues.

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Fideri avatar image
Fideri answered ·


Not a solution but it could be related. The forgot password link on VRM doesn't work for me either. I never got anything from Victron despite trying over several days. I even reviewed my email logs. In the end, I had to create a new account. For that, I got the activation link!


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