
SAAD GHEOUANY avatar image

Integration of Hydrogen-Based Fuel Cell System with MultiPlus II

Hello, we have a microgrid composed of a MultiPlus II (victron energy) connected to three energy sources: a PV system connected to a Fronius inverter in AC side, another PV system connected to an MPPT charger in DC bus side, and gel batteries connected to the DC bus. However, there is still an unused VE bus input. We are interested in connecting it to a hydrogen based fuel cell system.

Is there a fuel cell reference compatible with the multiplus-II 3000VA ?

Multiplus-IIvictronHydro and Wind Power
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2 Answers
delf67 avatar image
delf67 answered ·

I'm not really sure what you mean by "Is there a fuel cell reference compatible with the multiplus-II 3000VA ?" Or "unused VE bus input". VE-bus is a communication protocol.

A fuel cell is just an energy source that can be incorporated into systems that outputs either ac or dc voltage. Either could be used with a Multiplus provided either the dc voltage is in the correct range to charge your batteries or ac voltage is in the correct range to match your Multiplus.

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SAAD GHEOUANY avatar image
SAAD GHEOUANY answered ·

On the MultiPlus II energy manager, there are two VEBUS communication ports. I've used one to communicate with the MPPT charger (Blue Solar), and one remains available. I intend to integrate a fuel cell source into my microgrid, and I'm unsure whether it's possible to communicate with the MultiPlus through the remaining VEBUS port.

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·

Please get a professional to help. Vebus is only for connecting inverters to a gx. You cannot connect anything else, let alone an mppt on that port.

This is all documented and explained in the training.

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