@Kevin Windrem could you help me again please?
I have modified my flow overview to this-
I'm trying to add a flow connection from the solar box to the dc loads box but keep getting the white screen of death.
the flow value needs to come from-
property real hwPower: hw_current.value*pvVoltage2.value
the value displays fine but when I add the marching ants I get the white screen.
I tried adding this to overviewhub.qml but get the white screen-
OverviewConnection { id: solarToDcbox ballCount: 4 path: straight active: hasDcSys.value > 0 value: flow(hwPower.value) anchors { left: blueSolarCharger.right; rightMargin: 6 bottom: dcConnect.top; right: dcSystemBox.left; rightMargin: -6 bottom: dcConnect.top } }
so I tried this just for diagnostic purposes. (flow value is not what I want but it shouldn't give me the white screen)
OverviewConnection { id: solarToDcbox ballCount: 4 path: straight active: hasDcSys.value > 0 value: flow(sys.pvCharger.power) anchors { left: blueSolarCharger.right; rightMargin: 6 bottom: dcConnect.top; right: dcSystemBox.left; rightMargin: -6 bottom: dcConnect.top } }
but still get the white screen.
Can you advise where I've screwed up please?