
onahill avatar image
onahill asked

Mulitplus II 12/3000/120 not turning on right away

I have a Multiplus 12/3000/120 that I have used for about a month. In the Victron Connect app and VRM, the inverter turns off right away, but then gives a 1 -5 minute delay in turning on. It always does turn on eventually. I am using the V.E. Bus Smart Dongle. I spent the last year using a 24/3000 and it turned on and off immediately. Now that I have gone back to 12volt, all I've done is rewire batteries and swap out inverters. Same dongle, same network in use. Nobody so far had heard of this, so I thought I would try here. Can anyone help? I can post proof, but it's a boring video.

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3 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


12 /3000 is double the size DC cable of a 24/3000.

All I can think is that could possibly be what is causing the issue. So it is taking a while to charge caps and saturated cores.

Alternatively a high resistance connection was inadvertently made in the change?

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onahill avatar image
onahill answered ·

Thanks for the answer. It is not the cable size. They are sized for 12 volt (4/0 awg) and were oversized for 24 volt. I am not sure what you mean by "high resistance connection made in change." Could you explain, please?

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onahill avatar image
onahill answered ·

Solved. It was a network cable gone bad.

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