
luka-renko avatar image
luka-renko asked

VRM: can you display cell voltage with 3 decimals

I am monitoring my LFP installation on a boat via VRM and I use charts to see cell voltage:


Is it possible to show voltage with 3 decimals in VRM?
Currently I have to go to Remote Console - Menu - REC-BMS battery - Details to get this data with 3 decimals:

1708066037169.png (155.1 KiB)
1708066156561.png (98.0 KiB)
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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

This is a very niche request, not many people want to see 1mv. You would need a major magnifying glass to notice the difference on a widget chart. I can't say this is something I would pass onwards to the team, there are just much higher priorities.

The detailed data is not sent to VRM from the GX, so all widgets are rounded. It is an architectural decision.

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luka-renko avatar image luka-renko commented ·
So the data send to VRM is already rounded and this is not just display/UI issue?

That is quite unfortunate as it would be great to understand how cell voltage difference develops over time.

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