
Osman Taskiran avatar image
Osman Taskiran asked

Victron Professional Documents Why in Docx format


Sometime I am looking to professional portal.

Some of documents in docx format, I dont like these format. Becuase these documents are must be read only. Why Victron dont publish these documents in pdf or html format?


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3 Answers
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

Well, changelogs are by nature changing, so makes sense they're in .docx. If you need it in read only, just download it and export as PDF.

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Michelle Konzack avatar image
Michelle Konzack answered ·

I can not even open the docx correctly in LibreOffice.

The formatting is messed up.

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Justin Cook avatar image Justin Cook ♦♦ commented ·

I wonder if that's a version-specific error, I have LibreOffice too and I can open the docx with no issues in formatting on mine, but perhaps I have a different version than you do?


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Osman Taskiran avatar image
Osman Taskiran answered ·

Dear @Justin Cook ,

I can open .docx file format with libreoffice or any other docx viwer. But, this is not problem.

Problem is that,

In normally changelog or firmware documentations publishing must be in easily view format.

I want to click to firmware changelog link and I want to see in the browser - or pdf plugin.

I don't want to download and open it again from my disk. I think this is the best way for these kind of documents.

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