Hello Victron team, here is a very strange (and annoying) phenomenon:
Since two days, after having had a BMS loss due to Battery internal error (too low SoC reached – since then recovered), my VRM Dashboard is showing irrelevant values for Solar production approximately when the PV is not generating any power. It seems the Cerbo GX is “inventing” Solar power to “fill the gap”. For the date of Feb 12th e.g. the Inverter RS shows in the console a cumulated daily solar energy of 3kWh which is what I can see on the Dashboard from 8am to 6pm, which is correct and compatible with the SoC gained this day (18% to 44% of a 9.6kWh Pylontech). However the VRM Dashboard shows IN ADDITION a sustained 1kWh per hour from 6pm on the previous day to 8am this day (all at night, I am in France, north hemisphere!).
At the same time, on the VRM Advanced panel, the RS 48/6000 PV Voltage chart shows no value from 6:29pm previous day to 7:45am this day.
Same thing happened one day before (just after the low SoC issue).
I guess there is a link between these two behaviours but what is the cause of Cerbo not recording any value from RS over those 13 hours ? Could it be the RS not sending ? And why does it invent those 44kWh at night ?
Shall I reboot the Cerbo ? or else ?
My setup is RS 48/6000 with Cerbo GX and 4 Pylontech , powered by a 3kw-peak PV panel, no connection to the grid. Everything had run with no issue for the last 3 months.