
jerothle avatar image
jerothle asked

Does the VM-3P75CT or ET112 show in VRM or the touch screen?

Does the VM-3P75CT or ET112 show in VRM or the touch screen?

The pdf lists the VM-3P75CT as showing on the VRM Portal, but I can't find any examples any where.

Does anyone have a screenshot showing graphics or any info?

Thank you.

cerbo gxVRMtouchscreen
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3 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

It will be shown in the device list on the remote console and VRM portal like any other device.



1707456564772.png (49.7 KiB)
1707456615940.png (34.0 KiB)
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jakudo avatar image
jakudo answered ·

What does the VM-3P75CT shows on VRM portal? I've read mixed information. Some says that it shows only 1 value (sum of 3 phases) and some says it shows each phase separately. Any idea?

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daza avatar image
daza answered ·

@jakudo mine is only single phase but displays all phases, only reads L1 as it’s single phase. Does that help


img-5055.jpeg (488.9 KiB)
img-5054.jpeg (250.1 KiB)
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jakudo avatar image jakudo commented ·

Great, thanks. That’s exactly what I asked for

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