
alphamike55 avatar image
alphamike55 asked

wiring for the Panels to the charge controller

I have a smart Solar MPPT 100/50 solar charger. When I installed my panels, I used 10 AWG wire to run to the solar controller. it's not receiving any voltage from the panels. Now when I reviewed the directions it's saying I need to have 26AWG wire to connect to the charge controller. Will that cause a heating problem having too much voltage passing through it?

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2 Answers
delf67 avatar image
delf67 answered ·

Voltage doesn't cause cables to heat up, current does. According to Google 10AWG is much thicker than 26AWG (I'm not American so use mm sq). Using thicker cable than specified is not a problem. Using thinner than specified is. If you are not getting any voltage from the panels you must have a bad connection somewhere.

26AWG is very, very thin. Are you sure that is what is specified?

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Sebastian avatar image Sebastian commented ·
I'm also not American and use mm².

6 mm² aka 10 AWG is normal for PV cabeling.

26 AWG is WAY to thin

If no voltage mesures at the MPPT, it could be possible that a connection is not plugged or a cable is clampt / crimpt on its isolation.

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Craig Chamberlain avatar image Craig Chamberlain Sebastian commented ·
I’d suggest keeping the system isolated until the problem is tracked down because if there is a small break in a conductor then it could arc over if the voltage gets high enough and you could end up with a fire.

The problem is most likely as others have suggested - a bad connection either due to a bad crimp or an MC4 connection that has not been fully engaged and has become detached.

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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

In addition to what the others said, you may have reversed positive and negatives when making your cables.

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