
toughdiesels avatar image
toughdiesels asked

Orion Tr Smart

Guys having a bit of an issue with my new Orion Smart 12!12 -30 .

Seems as though as soon as you start the car from cold it will go into bulk charge at around 20a it idle with a SOC of 75% but after only a few minutes it will drop back to under 10a .

I have also never seen more than 20a measured with a clamp meter .

Firmware appears to be up to date .

Also on the BMV the charge rate will only measure around 11a with no loads on even though with a clamp meter it’s measuring 20a

orion-tr smart
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1 Answer
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Everything wired correctly (no negative/chassis connected to the battery negative; everything to the"system side" of the shunt)?

What's the input voltage of the Orion and what are the settings? The Orion reduces the output current if the input voltage gets to low.

-> read the manual

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toughdiesels avatar image toughdiesels commented ·
I have just removed the chassis/engine earths .

So the battery need to be standalone yeah , only earth to the shunt ?

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