I have a system, containing 3 multiplus-II (48/5000/70-50) systems, configured as 3 phase. It is attached to 4x pylontech US5000.
I used VEconfigure3 to configure ESS, as explained in the following link
For grid metering, I am using the transformer ct-clamps, placed on the beginning of the installation and directly connected to the multiplus. The arrows on the clamp are pointing away from the grid.
There are also grid-tied PV panels connected to the AC-in side of the vicgtrons (not configured on victron as it should not be required))
When I activate the system, it starts discharge the batteries at +8000W... basically to the grid. I don't have anything in my home active that can use that amount of power. I am also seeing odd values in the VRM from time to time...
When I look at my digital grid meter readings, I see that all that power is just fed into the grid... When powering off the victron's,
VEconfigure settings:
In addition, when the battery voltage gets low, it start charging again from the net, and once the charge is high enough again, it's starts re-injecting it again in the net.