
Mariola Martínez Serrano avatar image
Mariola Martínez Serrano asked

Low voltage alarm when charging with Orion Smart

Hi have an Orion Smart, SmartShunt and BatteryProtect in my camper van connected to a LifePo4 battery, and when I'm driving so the Orion Smart charges the second battery, an alarm appears in my Cerbo GX screen from SmartShunt saying "Low voltage alarm" (12.02V). It seems the battery is charging anyway, but I would like to know what can be causing this error and how can I avoid it.

Does anybody know it?


SmartShuntorion-tr smartcampervan
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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

Use your victron connect app and select the smarts hint and adjust the low voltage alarm, to a lower setting. Also check it with a multi meter and bake sure that you are not getting a large voltage drop. If you don't know how to do this then suggest you go a auto electrician or your local victron dealer and get it checked

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