
bjoern1987 avatar image
bjoern1987 asked

Need help!Easy solar! Nach Firmupdate CCGX restarted every 10sec. Why ?

Hello lovely community,

Thanks so far for all the information and good tips here. I'm very grateful for that.

Easy solar 48/5000kva/70amps

Mppt 150/100

Byd battery lvs8.0 bms

Installed 08.2021

Firmupdate now version 2.18

The system was NOT connected to the internet until few days ago.after connected to the internet The next morning the CCGX stayed on the blue boot screen. I updated the ccgx via SD card and 3 button processing (E + a + B)

Now the CCGX restarted every 10 sec.

I checked:

The bridge on the remote control board is wired

I unplugged all cable except the power from the ccgx and updated again

Complete restarted including mppt

Any suggestions?



firmware update
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1 Answer
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @Bjoern1987

v2.18 fw is old, v3.13 is current. This is available from VictronProfessional or via VRM online updates if you can manage to get connected.

I'd be inclined to pull the battery comms to help prevent any possible interference while doing this, given the state the CCGX seems to be in.

Then there's this..

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bjoern1987 avatar image bjoern1987 commented ·
Thanks for your answer. I did the factory default. Does not work.

I only find the latest firmware version of 2.18 on the Victron professional site. Can it be ?

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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ bjoern1987 commented ·


Try v3.13 from this list..

You've seen the manual?..

Been a looong time since I did it this way. Getting online to VRM is your priority methinks, much easier..

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bjoern1987 avatar image bjoern1987 JohnC ♦ commented ·

Hi yeah I saw that list. But I have to update the ccgx with the 3 button procedure.

I tried to copy the swu files in the zip folder for SD card reboot. For sure I deleted the other one. Unfortunately the system couldn't found the file.

I can't access the settings. The displays restart.

Funny enough it's still inverting when I switched the remote switch "on".

I will try now to update via settings and SD card maybe I'm lucky and the screen stays on until then.


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