
Michael Stirrat avatar image
Michael Stirrat asked

50Hz in 60Hz out, is this possible

My 1990s generator on my boat puts out 110v/50Hz and I use with my Multiplus 12/3000/120 to charge my battery bank. I would like to use the generator to power my 1200w 120v/60Hz water maker as well. Will the Multi take in 50Hz and output 60Hz? When I switch it to On instead of Charger Only, it shows 50Hz on the L1 output. Is there a setting for this? Or do I need to alter the generator to 60Hz?

multiplus ve.bus
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3 Answers
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

You'll need to change the generator output, as the MultiPlus cannot modify passthrough voltage or frequency.

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Alex Pescaru avatar image
Alex Pescaru answered ·

Are you sure that your water maker is not able to function at 50Hz? Because Multiplus can and your generator seems to do.

In the end the pump it's just a motor that at 50Hz will function at a lower speed than at 60Hz.

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Michael Stirrat avatar image Michael Stirrat commented ·

Good thinking! according to Rainman:

Running 115VAC/60Hz System At 50Hz

The motor will spin 17% slower. This means the pump is moving 17% less water, the AC motor is doing 17% less physical work, and is drawing a lower current. This lower flow rate will slightly decrease the product water output and slightly increase the TDS of the product water, but will not harm the system.

I'll give it a try.

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marekp avatar image
marekp answered ·

You can run your water maker from additional 1200/120/60Hz inverter powered from the battery that is charged from the generator.

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