
fishlock avatar image
fishlock asked

Victron Set UP

I am based in Upton Upon Severn and have a Victron set up on my Widebeam. I need someone to show me how it all works. It is a Quatro 5kw system with solar panels connected via blue tooth. Is there someone local who could help me? I would like to monitor remotely for example. I may need to purchase additional items.

system design
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christern avatar image christern commented ·
To be able to monitor your Victron stuff remotely youl would need something like Cerbo (if you have a router with internet connection in your vehicle) or GlobalLink (if you don’t).

Please read the manuals of your equipment to understand if they can be connected to the Cerbo/GlobalLink.

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fishlock avatar image fishlock christern commented ·
I have tried to read the manuals - I am not a technical expert - they are very complicated - hence me asking if there is anyone locally in this forum who would be able to help me. A little knowledge is dangerous and I don't want to 'upset ' my system.
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2 Answers
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

Often the easiest way to accomplish this is to find the nearest Victron dealer(s) to you using Victron's "where to buy" map and then give them a call to see if they themselves have techs available for hire, or if -as will often be the case- they have a short list of local independent installers who they'd recommend for you to contact.

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fishlock avatar image
fishlock answered ·

I have tried this and have been unsuccessful hence asking here :-)

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