
Ants Kosmos avatar image
Ants Kosmos asked

updated ESS not working with Multiplus 2 firmware 507

Today i upgrade ess and this is not working correctly. Not charging, not discharging. Multiplus 2 new firmware is out. Maybe this is reason ?

dynamic ess
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Paul B avatar image Paul B commented ·
Not enough info - please advise what else is connected and some screen shots of the issue, would be of help inc the settings,

on the 12th Jan there was a ESS assistant update, have you updated this and the latest multiplus II fw is 508

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

@Ants Kosmos

Did you reprogram after the update?

This is usually what happens since to protect the battery until it is reprogrammed.

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1 Answer
Ants Kosmos avatar image
Ants Kosmos answered ·

I do not know what was. Multiplus lost ess. I do not upgrade fw to 508. I do not find what this repair or what to do. After some reboots all works again.Venus os is latest, .... 37. I change usb powered hub to 100w power supply. Raspberry Pi powered from usb hub. A few wires less.

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