
horrrk avatar image
horrrk asked

Problem with Orion TR Smart Isolated 12-12/30


I have two of the Orion Isolated DC-DC 12-12/30 units which have been running great for just over a year.

They are running the latest firmware, as of a couple or so weeks ago, which I installed over the app.

Last Sunday I had to run the engine due to poor solar and noticed that I was only getting half the usual amps.

On checking the app, it said that unit 2 was only seeing 11.5V on the input side, therefore said it was 'disabled due to engine voltage lockout'

The input screws on both units were showing 13.67V with my multimeter and unit 1 is running fine, but unit 2 still only sees 11.5V

All connections are good and tight.

Nothing has changed except the firmware but both units have the same v1.13

I've also swapped the small block connector between the units, but the problem stayed with unit 2.

We're travelling Bulgaria, our UK dealer can't help and has suggested a dealer 3 hours drive away in Sofia might. Victron sales who I was hoping would liase with the dealer for me, also said I need to contact the dealer myself.

I contacted them yesterday but no reply to my email today, so I don't know where else to turn.

The unit is still in warranty until 2028 but I'm struggling to get help.

Has anyone had experience with faulty units/warranty checks whilst abroad.?

orion-tr smart
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2 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

You can try disconnecting the 'bad' unit completely, wait a while, reconnect and see what happens. If that doesn't help, you're going to have to wait until there's contact, or bite the bullet and do the 3 hour drive.

There is an escalation channel, via the responsible sales manager for Bulgaria. I'll post a link in a minute.

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·

Suggest you follow the procedure here. Sales manager details are linked in the page.

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horrrk avatar image horrrk commented ·
Thank you Kev, I've got both units disconnected now..I'll leave them for a while then get them hooked up.

Worth a try.
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horrrk avatar image
horrrk answered ·


Hi @kevgermany

Just to let you know that the disconnect has worked.!
The images show unit 2 at 11.51V (this screenshot was from the other day), then at 12.18V (starter battery volts) after reconnecting, then at first run of the engine..
The amps have since dropped a usual. I don't always see over 60amps at tickover.

That's saved me a whole lot of messing and the stress has lifted.

I'm thinking that it could have been like this since the firmware update as I had no need to check the charge since then.

Thank you again for your advice.

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