
ee21 avatar image
ee21 asked

Autotransformer estimated efficiency?

I am looking at VE Autotransformer for load balancing two MultiPlus inverters running in split-phase togeather.

The two phase legs with usually be in balance, with the exception of a 120v microwave, which would pull 1600w from one leg, or right now, one inverter.

Before I go adding an auto transformer to balance out essentially that one load, I am interested in knowing what losses I should expect from the Autotransformer. I would hope that when the legs are in balance, the efficiency would be close to 100% since the Autotransformer wouldn't be doing any work. But if say, the whole load was drawn from one leg... Essentially as if it were just being used to step down 240v to 120v... Roughly what percentage of the current drawn from the power source will be lost in heat? Rough guesses or estimates are more than welcome.

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1 Answer
ben avatar image
ben answered ·

ATs can approach 99% efficient. And, as you suggest, when you're not using it to balance, you won't have a loss.

I doubt you'll be able to tell you have it in circuit if it's an occasional load.

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ee21 avatar image ee21 commented ·

Great! Thank you! The 1600w load combine with litterally anything else is a little too much for one of my Compact 24/2000's but both togeather should be no problem.

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