
fa-st avatar image
fa-st asked

ET340 - Multiplus II GX Energy Meter will not be shown - no communication

I have connected an ET340 to a Multiplus II GX using the needed RS485 to USB converter. On connecting the red and green LED blinks shortly and that was it. No data transfer and no showing the ET340 in the Energy Meter menu.

I have checked the cable and converter already using a second RS485 to USB converter.

Is there a possibility to check the ET340 and Multiplus connecting to my PC by the RS485 converter using a terminal program? Which commands have I to use. Or is there an other programm for checking these components. I want to detect the error cause.

Ich habe ein ET340 an einen Multiplus II GX mit dem erforderlichen RS485 zu USB Konverter angeschlossen. Beim Reinstecken des USB Steckers in den Multiplus leuchtet die rote und grüne LED kurz auf und das war es dann. Keine Kommunikation und das ET340 wird auch nicht im Energy Meter Menü angezeigt.

Das Kabel habe ich mit einen andern RS485 zu USB Konverter gecheckt. Das ist in Ordnung. Mein Adapter sieht so aus:


Kann ich das ET340 über ein Terminalprogramm oder ein anderes Programm am PC auslesen und checken und wenn ja, welche Befehle muss ich da eingeben? Kann ich auch den Multiplus auslesen und die Kommunikation checken? Oder wie kann ich den Fehler ansonsten einkreisen?

Ich bin für jeden Hinweis dankbar.

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matt1309 avatar image matt1309 commented ·

Hi @fa_st

I would try the et112 carlo gavazzi software (the energy meter manufacturer's software).

They offer gui based software that will let you check the connection.

Most folk will tell you to buy a victron RS485 to USB converter this is to ensure that you're using a converter with a supported chipset. I can quite remember off the top of my head what chipset is supported, but there will be several topics on it on this forum.

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fa-st avatar image fa-st matt1309 commented ·
Thank you very much for this hints. I will try the software and check for the right chipset. Do you know, if I can also check the Victron Multiplus using this software?
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1 Answer
fa-st avatar image
fa-st answered ·

I have programmed the USB String Describtor of the FTDI Cable like in Cerbo GX RS485 to USB interface 5m EM24 AV2 RS485 recommendet and what shall I say... now it communicates! I bought this cable as a Victron cable but obvious Victron has a bad quality department that will accept such bad part deliveries :-(

Hopefully it will be better in the future.

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Energy Meter Selection Guide

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