Hi all - hoping there is something simple i'm missing. What screen/field/menu on the CCGX tells me the charging state the MPPT is in when using DVCC with an EasySolar 48/3000?
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Hi all - hoping there is something simple i'm missing. What screen/field/menu on the CCGX tells me the charging state the MPPT is in when using DVCC with an EasySolar 48/3000?
There should be no difference with DVCC on/off.
You should be able to find the MPPT state under Device List > Smart/Bluesolar Charger MPPT XXX/XX.
Just press the right button to enter the Device List, then the center buttons to navigate.
The CCGX now displays "ESS" where it used to show float/bulk/absorption.
I personally have a Multiplus, a MPPT and a CCGX with DVCC enabled - using SVS, STS and also 'Limit charge current' enabled.
I can confirm that I can view the MPPT charge state by either of the following;
- on the CCGX (in the MPPT menu)
- by the LEDs on the MPPT
- on the MPPT smartsolar plug in display
- using the VictronConnect application
I believe that there have been recent updates with the MPPT and/or CCGX firmware that may effect this, I think that it may have also displayed 'REMOTE' at one stage if DVCC was enabled.
This is obviously confusing, unless ESS is genuinly active and the Multiplus is in control (with the MPPT as a slave).
So, are you running your setup as an ESS?
If not, are you running the latest firmware revisions?
At the moment, these are the latest FW revisions;
- MPPT v1.42
- CCGX v2.33
-Multiplus v460
Setup is completely off grid. Not running ESS, not running any assistants or VS. Just with DVCC turned on as per settings from CCGX manual on website.
Multiplus v460.
Updated CCGX from 2.23 to 2.33.
MPPT - using v5.8 VictronConnect app but it's not updating the firmware so still on FW v1.37. Even clicking on update within the app goes to the Firmware Library but there are no files there.
After doing the CCGX FW update instead of showing "ESS" it now shows "External Control".
With regards to other ways you are able to check the status - Being the EasySolar you can't see the LED's on the mppt. My Easysolar has a BlueSolar MPPT which means you can't use VictronConnect to view anything unless you disconnect it from the CCGX and plug in the bluetooth dongle.
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