For the past two days, I’ve been receiving multiple “High DC Ripple: Warning” messages followed by a recovery message a minute later. This is a new occurrence for my system, which has been running smoothly for a year. While I’m not on-site,
I suspect these warnings occur when the battery is full and the MPPT is charging. The system has a light load ( less than 100watt). I recently adjusted the battery settings on the smart shunt to address state of charge drift, following Victron’s recommendations for lithium. However, I couldn’t find a specific recommendation for the charged voltage for lithium, so I set it to 53.53V. What might be causing these warnings, and how can I resolve the issue?
-SmartSolar Charger MPPT 150/35
- SmartShunt 500A
-MultiPlus-II 48/3000/35-32 (ACOut2 switchable)
-battery is 48v, 140ah lithium lifepo4.