
psdejager avatar image
psdejager asked

Lynx Shunt stays in the standard of 200 AH..

LiFePO4 Batterij 1630AH (6x 48V 272AH) with each it's own BMS

I have used the virctonconnect app and set the Lunx Shunt to 1632AH

Lynx Shunt is Still in the standard of 200 AH because it gives a low battery with @53Volts left...

Why will it not use the 1632 instead of the standard 200AH?!?
Where do I change this setting?

lynx shunt
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2 Answers
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

The Lynx shunt will need a full charge cycle to set to 100% before it will work properly. Post some screenshots of your settings from VE connect so we can see if there is anything wrong.

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psdejager avatar image
psdejager answered ·


I pressed the synchroniseren it was full

ve-connect.jpg (95.2 KiB)
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pwfarnell avatar image pwfarnell commented ·

The settings have remembered the correct capacity. Now it is set to 100% it should work OK from now on. The only thing that might be too low is the tail current (Staartsstroom) if your batteries stop charging before this reduces to 1% (16.4A). You may need to increase this to ensure that the Lynx hunt auto resets to 100%. Check what your actual tail current is when the batteries stop charging.

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Related Resources

Lynx Shunt VE Can online manual

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