Hi all, I am new to all this inverter stuff, I bought a second hand Victron Phoenix compact multi 12/800/35 at a good price. Would anyone have a guide on how to use and setup? I would like to connect a 300w solar panel to the inverter with two 100ah batteries to run some small tools in my shed and a laptop. I don't know anything about this inverter and if it is even working, I did connect a small 12v 7ah battery to see if it would power on. When I press the on switch the green Led light for 1 or 2 seconds and then goes off and the Red alarm Led comes on. Please, would someone send me a link or something like a setup user guide and wiring positions? It came with a plug and a 2-foot length of cable connected to AC in, and a long ethernet leads a small control panel. I don't know where the AC out connections are. Sorry but I am a Victron Noob. So be gentle. Thanks