
boatgypsy avatar image
boatgypsy asked

High data upload to VRM

Hi. I've had a system happily uploading data to VRM for a year or so now. It's via a PAYG sim and normally costs about 1p a day. Recently it has started doing a large upload of exactly 160mb once a week, every week, between 2am and 3am. This is quickly eating up the data allowance and costing a lot in extra charges. I cannot see what has changed or what is causing this behaviour. The data update rate is set to hourly intervals and is usually about 1kb. Something changed about six weeks ago, but I'm not clear what. It may be I've accidentally changed a setting. Do you have any suggestions?

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
Have you updated Victron software, or do you have automatic updates turned on?
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boatgypsy avatar image boatgypsy kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
Yes, automatic updates are on. The version is V3.20~35.
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

From experience a 45kva produces in 4 months roughly 860mb. So you must either have alot of devices logging in one minute intervals.

If you are manually uploading the file, then it is the logging interval that has changed.

Unless someone is accessing the remote console or leaving the dashboard in VRM running, it is not likely to be the regular logging to the VRM.

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2 Answers
boatgypsy avatar image
boatgypsy answered ·

I'm using automatic updates at 1 hour intervals. It just seems odd that it's uploading a big chunk of data every seven days and doing it at 2am.

I've attached a screenshot of my mobile data account. You can see the normal hourly data upload and the last entry is one of these anomalous uploads.


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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

With limited data traffic you should disable the automatic FW updates or at last switch it to the normal releases.
Currently you getting every new beta version.
Sometimes there is a new beta version once or twice a week (or more if urgent).

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boatgypsy avatar image boatgypsy commented ·

Thanks Matthias. I'll try that.

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