
thomaslederer avatar image
thomaslederer asked

Victron Quattro 3 Phase System Pylontech not charging when generator active

Hi there,

I have a question regarding the charging behaviour of my 3-phase installation.

As you can see in the below picture, I have a System that consists of:

- 3 Victron Quattros (connected in 3-phase)

- 10 Pylontech US3000C Batteries

Moreover on AC-Input 1 of the quattros the grid is connected and on AC-Input 2 I have the possibility to create energy with a generator (the generator is powered by a bulldozer, so that when the grid fails I can come with my bulldozer and charge the batteries with the generator and than could turn the bulldozer off until the charge of the batteries is again lower - that would be the idea at least)

1.) However, today during the night the grid failed and the system used the energy from the batteries so that the SOC in the morning just was about 10%. The first quattro than showed the warning "LOW BATTERY" and even when I connected the generator the whole System just was on Passthrough (So no energy at all was used to charge the batteries). The AC Loads have been handled but no charging or anything else was done.

2.) After about 3 hours god thanks, the grid was available again and I used scheduled charging to charge the batteries with the grid. That worked fine and no warnings or errors appeared on the quattros. After that I wanted to try, if the problem for not being able to charge the batteries with the generator has been the error "LOW BATTERY" from the morning. So I disconnected the grid and started the generator. But again, the power from the generator has just been used to power the AC-Loads and no energy has been used to power the batteries. Moreover I recognized that the inverters always just used the generator from time to time: I heard the click where they connected to it and also saw the light and after a short time (probably around half a minute) they disconnected again. This repeated for multiple times.....

My idea would be as already explained that when no Grid power is available and when the generator power is available, that I use this power to power the AC-Loads and use about 6500 W additionally to charge the batteries.... Probably there are some settings I need to adjust or is this even possible?

Many thanks in advance and a merry christmas to all of you

Best regards


MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Chargerbattery chargingPylontechGenerator
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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


The input current limit for AC 2 was likely set around 16A per phase. That is if it was not changed from default.

Check that the next time that it is connected. Or through the programming.

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thomaslederer avatar image
thomaslederer answered ·

Hi @Alexandra I checked this but the AC 2 limit is 50A per phase. So this seems not to be the problem. However could it be something that when the input from the generator is not that stable regarding the frequency? With the generator I would like to keep batteries charged....

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