Good day, I am currently checking if the wiring between my db board DC breakers from the PV side and MPPTs are correct after i recently had an MC4 connector melted on the PV side. The installer originally installed 4 wires per mppt (pv side), so that is 2 for positive side, and two for negative side wired to the MPPT, coming from 2 DC breakers on the DB board (multiple arrays). Some of the wires are 4mm2 and some are 6mm2. I have a 250/100 and two 150/100's. There are parallel arrays of 300w panels coming in.
My questions are:
1. Is it fine to have 2 wires connected to MPPT PV positive terminal, and two wires connected to the MPPT PV negative terminal, or should i rather connect the 2 DC breaker outputs together and run a single pair from the DC breaker to the PV side of the MPPT?
2. The MPPT spec states max thickness of the incoming wire of 2AWG. For the PV side, is there a minimum thickness the wire must be?